Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 22


1.  Warm-up- Memory game (developing memory)
         It's Mariana's turn . . .

         Students will form a circle. A category will be chosen. Then each student will add a word to the list. For example if the category is "fruit". The first student says mango, the second student says mango, banana, the third student will say mango, banana, kiwi . . .  Students will be eliminated when they cannot remember the list.

2. Let's choose partners for our groups.

3. Today in your group, sketch out your scene/characters.  Look at your Commedia dell'Arte characters.  Who will be whom?  What kind of scene will you create? What will be the basic story line?  What techniques will you use?

Take notes, create mind-maps, etc to document this process.

Your presentation should be about 8-10 minutes. It will be video-taped.

4. Reflect on all you did today.  Remember there are 4 different criterion.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 15, 17

Good Morning Year 10.

1. Warm-up - "Yes, and . . ."

This is a common method of Advancing scenes: accept everything said and/or done and do something with it. Also used as a verb: Yes-anding.

2. Student scene practice- 30 minutes
Pay special attention to the format of the script (How to format a script) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgre-f80pjhCdsZBAc1axlnN29vsXPpAGA8YDCHC-treiC5BDwlxMTPTR42AHNnbNBsqCZJNusf9ttdZMuUApyhUYFzGZlz4G4Aj4iXfZSnX0yefCZ_Alt8d6tkr9_nOAk9dpf9nKfxGA8N/s1600/SCRIPT-FORMAT.jpg
(How to write a play)  http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Play-Script

3. Student performances
Give and receive feedback

4. Reflection - Write a refection at the end of class. (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 10

 Good Morning, Year 10

1.  Warm up - Walk, walk, walk

2. Student scene practice- 30 minutes
Pay special attention to the format of the script (How to format a script) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgre-f80pjhCdsZBAc1axlnN29vsXPpAGA8YDCHC-treiC5BDwlxMTPTR42AHNnbNBsqCZJNusf9ttdZMuUApyhUYFzGZlz4G4Aj4iXfZSnX0yefCZ_Alt8d6tkr9_nOAk9dpf9nKfxGA8N/s1600/SCRIPT-FORMAT.jpg
(How to write a play)  http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Play-Script

3. Reflection - Write a refection at the end of class. (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

October 8


Good Morning Year 10.

So sorry that I cannot be with you today but I am ill.

You should choose a comedy film to watch. Pay particular attention to "stock" characters.  (Class blog address:  http://ois-drama10.blogspot.pt )

Remember to write a reflection in your "process journal".  
You can also write a critique of the movie (plot line, development, character, etc).

See you Friday.

Friday, October 3, 2014

October 8, 9

 Good Morning, Year 10

1.  Warm up - Walk, walk, walk

2. Student scene practice- 30 minutes
Pay special attention to the format of the script (How to format a script) https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgre-f80pjhCdsZBAc1axlnN29vsXPpAGA8YDCHC-treiC5BDwlxMTPTR42AHNnbNBsqCZJNusf9ttdZMuUApyhUYFzGZlz4G4Aj4iXfZSnX0yefCZ_Alt8d6tkr9_nOAk9dpf9nKfxGA8N/s1600/SCRIPT-FORMAT.jpg
(How to write a play)  http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Play-Script

3. Student performances
Give and receive feedback

4. Reflection - Write a refection at the end of class. (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

October 3


1.  Beatriz will lead this morning's warm-up . . .

2.  Let's take this opportunity to practice scenes and perform.

3. Write a refection at the end of class. (What did you learn today? How did it affect you? How will you use this information? etc.)