1. What is comedy? What makes something funny? There are no rules as comedy is subjective.
During this term you will begin your journey to explore comedy as an art form and, hopefully, laugh all along the way.
2. Let's look at what we will be doing this term. . .
3. But, what is Commedia dell'Arte?
4. How can we get used to working together in this environment? How can we learn techniques that will help us? Warm-up exercises are useful tools that allow students to learn about and practice techniques that help them develop as actors. Let's try one!
Warm up exercise: I'm cool and so are you if . . . (used with new groups to share with each other and learn about each other)
5. Decorate your Process Journal
6. Answer this question: What do I hope to accomplish this term in Drama class?(Criterion C)
7. Make a entry about today's lesson. (Video on Commedia dell'Arte - Criterion A, Warm-up exercise - Criterion B)
8. Before we go, let's vogue . . .
Strike a pose!
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